Saturday, February 18, 2012

Never ever comment on the size of someone else's body parts!

Last week after skipping my workout on Monday I got the motivational kick that I needed to never skip again!

by Eleanor Jewett

I sat down in a puddle,
     And shall I tell you why?
I did it so that I should know
     How far the drops could fly!

After reading the above poem we (unnamed small group reading class) began to discuss it.

Ms. Susong:  "Would you sit in a puddle on purpose?"
Student 1:  "No, because people would think I had peed in my pants!"
Ms. S:  "That would be embarassing."
Student 2:  "I would and the water would really splash high."
Ms. S:  "I think that's what the poet meant when she wrote the drops could fly."
Student 1 looks at Ms. S. and says:  "You should sit in one because you have a big ______."  He then drew the shape of my butt in the air with his hands.
Student 2:  "Yea.  It would make a huge splash!"
Ms. S:   "It is not polite to comment on the size of people's body parts.  It could hurt someone's feelings. Now let's get back to the poem.  What rhyming words did you hear in the poem?"

Thanks Student 1 for keeping me motivated to do millions and millions more squats and lunges to decrease the size of my butt (pictured below)!

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