Friday, December 30, 2011

Danna's New Shoes

Danna leads us in our last set of squats with bicep curls.

Did you notice that Danna's new shoes resemble boxing shoes?  Good!  Trisha noticed first. 

Do you like your tennis shoes to be matchy-matchy with your workout clothes or do you prefer a more subtle look?  Which do you think Jean likes?

Do you see how tightly laced the tops are?  This is necessary for maximum comfort and fine stylin'. I do believe we are trying to tighten up many areas through our workouts, not just Danna's shoes!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!  See you January 6 at 3:30 sharp for our first 2012 workout.  :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to get back to "Butts by Dana"