Friday, December 30, 2011

Danna's New Shoes

Danna leads us in our last set of squats with bicep curls.

Did you notice that Danna's new shoes resemble boxing shoes?  Good!  Trisha noticed first. 

Do you like your tennis shoes to be matchy-matchy with your workout clothes or do you prefer a more subtle look?  Which do you think Jean likes?

Do you see how tightly laced the tops are?  This is necessary for maximum comfort and fine stylin'. I do believe we are trying to tighten up many areas through our workouts, not just Danna's shoes!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!  See you January 6 at 3:30 sharp for our first 2012 workout.  :)

Walking in a Texas Winter Wonderland

Sunny and 70: perfect for a warm-up walk in the neighborhood

Welcome back from California Nancy!  Glad you had a nice visit with your parents. Thanks for bringing the good weather back home with you.

Besides leaf raking tales, the big news is China Bear (Danna's cat) will not be getting a boyfriend.  Simon from San Antonio is not destined to be a part of the Scott family, even though it is rumored he is quite the intellectual. No, I can't remember our new vocabulary word for the day.  What was it?!?

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Lockout #2

Trisha, Toby (the dog), and I were chatting in the restroom after workout about our plans for the rest of the week.  We were shocked to find the inside door to the gym closed and locked with our car keys, phones,  and the keys to the gym inside.  Luckily Kay and Jean were still outside visiting so we plot our strategy.  Kay drove Jean to her house to get a BW phone list.  She brought it back and we called Mr. Dukes to save the day!  Thank goodness he lives close by and is able to let us in the gym.  I wonder what his favorite cookies are?  Perhaps I need a BIP (Behavior Intervention Plan) for keeping track of my keys!

Canine Workout

Toby rests while Trisha builds abs of steel.

Today we all had a canine workout partner to distract us from the fact that we ate too much and hadn't worked out in a whole week.  Toby walked with us and while we did our ball/weights routine,  he even got some petting.  "4, 5, pet the dog, 9, 10, hold!"

Lockout #1

It's 10:50 and I've just opened the gym for workout the week between Xmas and New Years when I realize I've left my phone in the car. As I lean into Lola, my red VW Beetle, to grab my phone I hear the outside door to the gym slam. No school keys are around my neck where they always are, right? NOT! Just then Trisha texts me that she's running late at the BW Vet Clinic. Thank goodness! I walk over to borrow her keys and get back just in time to let our fearless leader Danna in the gym. Whew...that was a close call. Post Christmas workout can commence!